Tag Archives: michael martin murphey
On this day 19 August death of Augustus – John Wesley Hardin – Federico García Lorca – Groucho Marx – Tony Scott – Dick Gregory
The Final Footprint of John Wesley Hardin Continue reading

Posted in Cowboy Footprints, Day in History, Infamous Footprints
Tagged Augustus, Augustus Mausoleum, Bob Dylan, Buried, Cemetery, concordia cemetery, Dick Gregory, Eden Memorial Park Cemetery, el paso, Federico García Lorca, flat granite marker, Fort Lincoln Cemetery, Groucho Marx, Ground Burial, hardin wouldnt run, History, hollywood forever cemetery, john wesley hardin, john wesley harding, Johnny Cash, Larry McMurtry, michael martin murphey, rhymes of the renegades, riptff, Rock Hudson, Streets of Laredo, tff, the final footprint, the lawless breed, Tony Scott
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